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sábado, 15 de julio de 2017


The bottle is one of the daily utensils and used during the day due to the importance of ingesting liquids. 

 Once used, their main destination is the garbage for its later one recycled. This process, we can suppress it being ourselves those that we give another use to the bottles. 
Their varied and ingenious forms make of them a beautiful element with the one that to decorate our homes. Our friends of the forums of Handiworks contribute many ideas practices to decorate the bottles with different technical and materials. 
Simple materials to decorate the works 
In principle it serves any bottle type that we like to be able to decorate it, although they will always be those of glass the easiest thanks to their surface.  
 how we can use a bottle of plastic to keep small objects.  

Besides the bottle, we need a series of elements with those that we will decorate it.  
In principle all decoration can serve. 
 Knots, napkins with drawings, dry flowers or some adhesive tele. To part, the necessary tools to carry out this task. 
 Some scissors, white line or an alkyl boat (adhesive fact with mixture of white line and latex), it is ideal to hit our reasons in the bottle.  
We will also need acrylic painting if we want to draw us and we don't want to hit anything.  
Main technical 
1 - we choose a napkin that we like and we clip it so that it covers the entirety of the bottle. 
2. we apply a first line layer on the whole surface to decorate. 
3. we put the cutting of the napkin, stretching it well so that they are not wrinkles. 
4. again, we apply another adhesive layer above the paper to fix it well and to protect it. 
5. lastly we allow it to dry off and we will add more layers of protective if it was necessary. 

Decoration with painting: 
It is another technique similar of simple, but using paintings instead of adding cloths or napkins. 
   First step is to add a layer of protective, varnish, anti oxide fundamental Step for the adherence of the painting. 
   Once dry, we will paint to our pleasure the bottle with acrylic painting. 
Many possibilities exist to paint our bottles. 

Creation of figures: 
It is another fantastic option for our reutilizar bottles. Pantis shows us like with bottles of plastic of different sizes, we can elaborate ornamental objects for special occasions.  

An amusing dog is easy to elaborate, uniting with tape the bottles. It is even a handiwork easy to make with the children due to their great simplicity.  

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